Bachelor of Arts
"The study of sociology has just opened my mind to realize that our institutions can change and that people need to be heard."
– Undergraduate major
Gain a deeper understanding of how the social world works and the skills you need to make a difference in a variety of professional fields.
About the Major
Sociology studies the ways that social structures and interactions shape human life. In this major, you will study society’s origins, functions, and problems, focusing on relations among people, groups, classes, organizations and cultures.
With a B.A. in Sociology you'll get a greater understanding of social institutions and practices – ranging from small groups to nations – and the impacts they have on people's lives. You'll also learn quantitative and qualitative research methods, giving you a solid foundation for careers in many professional fields,
Areas of Study
With a B.A. in Sociology you'll study topics ranging from social inequality, religion, crime, popular culture, and sports. The curriculum is designed to show you the character of human life and the impact of varying forms of social organization on human affairs.
You are are introduced to the methods by which knowledge is obtained, and may examine the results of research on such diverse topics as the family, religion, education, politics, sex roles, popular culture, and crime.
Beyond the Classroom
All undergraduate sociology students are encouraged to become actively involved in the design of their education, and to take advantage of the opportunities and services offered by the school. Internships, practicums, and independent study courses help you establish ties to social service agencies and individual professors.
See internships
Career Pathways
The sociology major provides a foundation for careers in many professional fields, such as law, criminal justice, health, and social service, and for graduate training as a professional sociologist in government, business, community agencies, research organizations, or educational institutions.
Career options include:
- Sociologist
- Demographer
- Human services worker
- Labor relations specialist
- Community relations director
- Medical worker
Watch this video to learn more about how a degree in Sociology can help you make change in the world.
Contact Us
School of Sociology
Social Sciences Building
Room 400
or send an email to
Dr. James Shockey
Director of Undergraduate Studies