UA School of Sociology Brown Bag Series Presents: Non-Academic Opportunities Panel



noon to 1 p.m., Sept. 24, 2021

On Friday, September 24th from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM the School of Sociology will have a panel on non-academic opportunities for Sociology Ph.D.’s.  The panelists are all graduates of the School of Sociology who are employed in non-academic positions.  They will share with us their stories, what they do now, the challenges they face, and what current students can do to prepare themselves for jobs like theirs.  All are welcome to attend.


Title: A Panel Discussion of Non-Academic Opportunities for Sociology Ph.D.’s


Organizer: Joe Galaskiewicz, DGS, Sociology


Moderator: Kelsey Gonzalez, U of AZ grad student, Sociology


Panelists: (in alphabetical order)


Nadina Anderson, Ph.D., Sociology, 2017

Lead Scientist

Booz Allen Hamilton


George Hobor, Ph.D., Sociology, 2007

Senior Program Officer

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Darla Still, Ph.D., Sociology, 2020

Associate Product Researcher

Stack Overflow


Kendra Thompson-Dyck, Ph.D., Sociology, 2018

Senior Research Analyst

University of Arizona