Catholic Community Services - Casa Alitas



nonprofit, aid to migrant families



The program began in June of 2014 as a response to hundreds of Central American travelers who were being dropped off by ICE and Border Patrol at the Greyhound Bus station here in Tucson. What began as a few people from local churches coming together to bring food to the bus station, became an entire formalized program and a large, welcoming shelter space. As of December of 2019, Casa Alitas has served over 35,000 asylum-seekers.

Program Overview

  • Most asylum-seekers are families: parents, children and pregnant women from Central America and Mexico.They have traveled here over several days or weeks, often spent weeks or more at the border, and then spent 2-14 days in detention before being released.

  • ICE or Border Patrol brings families directly to the Casa Alitas Welcome Center.

  • Casa Alitas provides housing, food, clothing, toiletries, advocacy, and travel assistance.


  • This is an unpaid internship.
  • All internships are in person and take place during the daytime or flexible hours.

Internship Location

2225 E Ajo Way

Suite 130

Tucson, AZ 85713

Contact Information

Christy Stewart, Intern/Volunteer Coordinator

(520) 323-9692 (link sends e-mail)

How to Apply

Send resume and personal statement, review orientation materials, submit attestation form, meet with intern coordinator. Intern does not need to be bilingual, but being multilingual is a strength.

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