External Fellowships and Grants
Our graduate students have a strong track record of success in national competitions for external grants and fellowships. Since 2008, our students have received over a dozen grants from the National Science Foundation, including 11 dissertation improvement grants and 2 three-year graduate research fellowships. Other institutions awarding fellowships and grants to our students include the American Sociological Association, Fulbright IIE, the Long Taylor Foundation, the Louisville Institute, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Social Science Research Council, among others.
- Alexander B. Kinney (Co-PI with Joseph Galaskiewicz)
"The Green Rush: Institution Work and Relational Pragmatics in the U.S. Cannabis Industry"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvemant Award, 2019-2020, $12,977 - Beksahn Allen Jang (Co-PI with Joseph Galaskiewicz)
"The Asian Puzzle: Political Incorporation of Asian Americans and the Model Minority Myth"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award, 2019-2020, $14,137 - Hannah E. Clarke (Co-PI with Jane Zavisca)
"Paying for College and Uncertainty"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2017-2018, $11,973 - Kate Freeman-Anderson (Co-PI with Joseph Galaskiewicz)
“The Role of Health-Promoting Community Organizations in Urban Neighborhoods”
Dissertation Improvement Grant 2014-2015 $6,334. - Jurgita Abromaviciute (with Linda Molm, and Erin Leahey)
"Deconstructing Bias: How Partnership Status Modifies the Motherhood Penalty and Fatherhood Bonus"
Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2014-2015, $5,954 - Kelly Bergstrand (with Linda Molm, advisor)
Determinants of Social Movement Participation
Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2011-13, $8,722 - Cindy L. Cain (with Don Grant, advisor)
“Hospice Care Workers and Emotion Management in the Workplace"
Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2011-13, $9,675 - John "Taylor" Danielson (with Robin Stryker, advisor)
“Migration, Nationalism, and Welfare State Reform"
Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2013-14, $11,208 - Jessie Finch
Graduate Research Fellowship, 2011-14, $90,000 - Jessie Finch (with Robin Stryker, advisor)
“Managing Conflicting Social and Work Identities"
Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2014-15, $11,923 - Laura Hunter (with Erin Leahey, advisor)
"The Role of Gender in Evaluations of Scientific Competence”
Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2009-10, $9,252 - Sharon Koppman (with Erin Leahey, advisor)
"Socialization and Creativity in the Advertising Industry"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2011-13, $7,002 -
Leahey, Erin (PI), and David J. McBee (Co-PI)
"Research Obstacles and Problem Solving in Scientific R&D Teams", 2016, $29,421 - Dave Melamed (with Linda Molm, advisor)
"Status Characteristics and Justice Evaluations”
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2010, $8,540 - Paola Molina (with Linda Molm, advisor)
"The Effects of Gender and Family on Intentions to Further Migrate”
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2009-11, $10,000 - Sosuke Okada (with Joeseph Galaskiewicz, advisor)
"Testing the Intrinsic Benefit Model of Cultural Signaling”
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2010-11, $6,457 - Scott Savage (with Linda Molm, advisor)
"Forms of Exchange: Uncertainty and Retention in Social Networks”
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2010-11, $8,699 - Eric Schoon
Graduate Research Fellowship, 2010-2013, $90,000 - Ryan Seebruck (with Joseph Galaskiewicz, advisor)
"Managing Teacher Labor Markets"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2012-13, $9,400 - Lisa Theibaud (with Lane Kenworthy, advisor)
"Explaining Welfare Generosity Trajectories Across US States, 1911-1996"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2009-10, $10,000 - Matthew Ward
"Conservative Activism: A Comparative Study of Anti-Immigration Vigilance Groups"
Graduate Research Fellowship, 2007-9 and 2010-11, $90,000 - Monica Whitham (with Linda Molm, advisor)
"Social Identity, Cooperation, and Social Exchanges"
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2010-12, $8,736
- Dave Melamed
Mathematical Sociology Section
Outstanding Dissertation-in-Progress Research Grant, $1,000
- Sondra N. Barringer
Dissertation Grant, 2012, $20,000
In association with the National Science Foundation, the National Center for Education Statistics, and the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative
- Daniel Martinez (co-PI, with Scott Whiteford, PI, and Jeremy Slack, co-PI)
"Migrant Border Crossing Study: (In)security and Violence on the Border"
Research Grant, 2009
- Nadina Anderson
Fulbright Fellow to Ukraine, 2014, $25,422 - Ryan Seebruck
- Fulbright Fellow to Japan, 2012, $25,422
- Ryan Seebruck
Fulbright Fellow to Japan, 2011, $51,278
- Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear
Merit Scholarship, 2016, $5000
- Kelly Bergstrand
Scholarship, 2010, $10,000 - Katrina Running
Scholarship, 2010-12, $24,750
- Gary Adler
Doctoral Fellowship, 2009, $19,000
- Katrina Running
Young Scientists Summer Program Fellowship, 2010, $7,500
- Heidi Reynolds-Stenson
P.E.O. Scholar Award, 2016, $15,000 - Jessie K. Finch
P.E.O. Scholar Award, 2014, $15,000
- Laura Andrews
"God is Great, God is Green: Evangelicals in the Environmental Movement"
Constant H. Jacquet Research Award, 2010, $3,500
- Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear
Research Data Alliance Fellowship, 2017, $5,000
- Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear
Health Policy Research Scholars Doctoral Fellowship, 2016, $120,000 - Sione Lister
Health Policy Research Scholars Doctoral Fellowship, 2020, $120,000
- Nadina Anderson
"Trust and Civil Society in Ukraine: Discovering Migration Mechanisms"
Eurasia Program Pre-Dissertation Award, 2013, $3,000
- Gary Adler
Student Research Award, 2009, $3,000 - Amanda Schutz
“Organized Non-Religion: Individual and Collective Identity Among Nonbelievers”
Student Research Award, 2014, $2250
- Kelly Bergstrand (Co-investigator with Kraig Beyerlein, PI)
“Explaining the Moblization and Consequences of Young Adults' Civic Action: The Case of Humanitarian Aid to Migrants Along the United States-Mexico Border”
2011, $39,500
- Ryan Seebruck
Boren Fellowship, 2011, $18,100
Internal Fellowships and Grants
Sociology doctoral students are routinely awarded fellowships and grants by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Graduate College, and other units within the university. These awards range from small grants to cover research expenses, to full fellowships with a stipend and tuition coverage.
- Cindy L. Cain
Excellence Fellowship, 2012, $10,000 - Megan Henley
"Their Best Care: A Survey Comparison of Attitudes Toward Labor Practices and Sources of Knowledge Among Labor and Delivery Nurses, Childbirth Educators, and Doulas Across the United States"
Confluence Graduate Fellowship, 2013, $5,000
- Sondra N. Barringer
Excellence Graduate Fellowship, 2011, $18,750 plus tuition - Michael Gibson
Peter W. Likins Endowed Graduate Fellowship, 2012, $10,000 plus tuition - René Heavlow
Peter W. Likins Endowed Graduate Fellowship, 2013, $10,000 plus tuition - Megan McKendry
University Fellows Award, 2015, $32,000 plus tuition, $500 for attending conferences or professional development activities - Victoria Sisk
University Fellows Award, 2018, $32,000 plus tuition, $500 for attending conferences or professional development activities - Peter D. Ore
The Mellon Graduate Fellowship in "Neoliberalism at the Neopopulist Crossroads," 2020, $25,000 plus tuition and health insurance - Mariana Manriquez
University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni Graduate Scholarship , 2021, $6,000 plus tuition
- Jessie K. Finch and Celestino Fernandez
Online Education Project: Hybrid Course Development, 2012, $10,000
- Jessie K. Finch and Celestino Fernandez
Small-Grants for Academic Collaboration in the Americas, 2012, $3,000
- Alexander B. Kinney
"The Green Rush: Institution Work and Relational Pragmatics in the U.S. Cannabis Industry"
SBS Summer Dissertation Fellowshiop, 2020, $6,000 -
Hyungjun Suh
"Antecedents and Consequences of Housing Status across Housing Regimes"
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2019, $6,000 -
Alexander B. Kinney
"The Green Rush: Institution Work and Relational Pragmatics in the U.S. Cannabis Industry"
SBSRI Dissertation Grant, 2018, $1,980 -
Hannah Clarke
"Going Under to Get Ahead: Paying for College in an Age of Uncertainty"
SBSRI Dissertation Grant, 2017, $2,000 - Misty Ring-Ramirez
An Interorganizational Network Analysis of the Social Movement Sector in New York, 1960-1995
2017, Dissertation Completion Fellowship, $5,000 - Hannah E. Clarke
"Going Under to Get Ahead: Paying for College in an Age of Uncertainty"
Dissertation Grant, 2015, $1,769 - Cindy L. Cain
“Heart Work is Hard Work: The Challenges and Adaptations of Hospice Careworkers”
Summer Research Development Grant, 2010, $1,000 - Tracy Bacon
Dissertation Grant, 2012, $1,000 - Kelly Bergstrand
Summer Research Development Grant, 2010, $1,000 - Kate Gunby
Dissertation Grant, 2014, $1,500 - Sharon Koppman
"But Who Created the Creators? Socialization, Culture and Creativity in Advertising"
Summer Research Development Grant, 2010, $1,000 - Amanda Lubold
Dissertation Grant, 2014, $1,500; PhD Completion Fellowship, 2014; $4,000 - Xóchitl Mota-Back
"Historical Use of Expert Cues in Sex Education Materials: A Content-Analysis"
Dissertation Grant, 2013, $1,000 - Laureen O'Brien
Dissertation Grant, 2014, $1,500 - Ryan Seebruck
Dissertation Grant, 2013, $1,000 - Zach Schrank
SBS Summer PhD Completion Fellowship, 2013, $5,000 - Amanda Schutz
"Organized Non-Religion: Individual and Collective Identity Among Non-Believers"
Dissertation Grant, 2014, $2,000 - Heidi Reynolds-Stenson
"Repression Management Strategies Among Activists"
Dissertation Grant, 2015, $1,958
- Jacqueline Joslyn
Disjointed Fluidity
Dissertation Grant, 2018; $1,000 - Alexander B. Kinney
"The Green Rush": Institution Work and Relational Pragmatics in the U.S. Cannabis Industry"
Dissertation Grant, 2018, $960 - Dee Hill Zuganelli
“Faculty perceptions of institutional support for community engagement work in Mexican American Studies”
Dissertation Grant, $885 - Heidi Reynolds-Stenson
"Repression Management Strategies Among Activists"
Dissertation Grant, 2015, $1,278 - Eliza Benites
"The Social Construction of a Local Housing Market through Intermediaries: A Study of the Role and Practice of Real Estate Agents"
Dissertation Grant, 2015, $1,126 - Jessie K. Finch
"I've Changed My Mind About It:" Judicial Variation and Procedural Justice in Operation Streamline Proceedings
Research and Project Grant, 2013, $1,000