Graduate Student Publications

Our graduate students routinely publish original research in a number of competitive venues. These publications include sole authorships in peer-reviewed journals based on M.A. or dissertation research, collaborations between students and faculty, as well as collaborations between students.

The list below contains selected publications by our current graduate students, as well as by former graduate students if published or accepted before they received their Ph.D. See the websites and CVs of individual graduate students for more complete listings of all publications.

  • Mahon, Jane, Amanda Pierson, and Jovanna Walker. Forthcoming. “From Margins to Center: Black Feminism and Radical Imagination in the Classroom. Feminist Pedagogy.
  • Abramson, C., Li, Z., Prendergast, T., & Sánchez-Jankowski, M. 2024. “’There isn’t any medication for that: Inequality, identity, and the social organization of misery in America’s pain narratives”. Russell Sage Foundation Special Issue Journal. (forthcoming)
  • Burgess, C. and Carlson, J. “The Roots of Charity: How Gendered Racialization Shapes Crowdfunding for Women and Girls Murdered by Gun Violence.” Gender & Society, 38(4). 

  • Camarillo, Earlene, Stefanie Kunze, and Charlie Pollard. 2023. “How the Media Framed the COVID-19 Crisis on Native Nations: A Case Comparison of The New York Times and the Navajo Times.” Social Science Quarterly. Doi:10.1111/ssqu.13331.

  • Whitesitt, Erin and Charlie Pollard. Forthcoming. "It’s Not Just About Surviving: Online Narratives of Childbirth Trauma.” Feminist Anthropology.

  • Lin, Jun-Jie and Heng-Hao Chang. Forthcoming. “Reconsidering Disability in Taiwan: a Perspective on Globalisation and Postcolonialism.” Disability & Society.

  • Green, Lilith and Carol Rambo. Forthcoming. “Too Many Genders?: Ambiguity as Resistance in the Biographical Work of Gender-Diverse People.” Studies in Symbolic Interaction

  • Li, Zhuofan and Corey Abramson. Forthcoming. “Ethnography and Machine Learning: Synergies and New Directions.” in Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning, edited by Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra and Christian Borch.

  • Pierson, Amanda. 2023.. “Data Surveillance and Carceral Research.” Routledge Handbook of Prisons & Jails. Eds. Danielle Rudes, Gaylene Armstrong, TaLisa Carter, and Kimberly Kras. New York: Routledge.

  • Leahey, Erin, Jina Lee, and Russell Funk. 2023. “What Types of Novelty are Most Disruptive?” American Sociological Review, 88(3): 562-597.

  • Diaz, Christina J. and Jennifer Hyunkyung Lee. 2023. “Segmented Assimilation and Mobility among Men in the Early 20th Century.” Demographic Research 48(5): 107-152.

  • Louise M. Roth and Jennifer Hyunkyung Lee. 2023.. “Undue Burdens: State Abortion Laws in the U.S., 1994-2022.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 48(4): 511-543.

  • Alexander B. Kinney.. Forthcoming. “Surveillance, Social Control, and Managing Semi-Legality in U.S. Commercial Cannabis” Social Problems

  • Davis, Andrew P., Thomas R. Leppard, and Alexander B. Kinney. Forthcoming. “A Shame of Inches: Are Teams with Black Head Coaches More Heavily Penalized in Division 1 College Football?” Social Science Quarterly

  • Lee, Jina, Minjae Seo, and Erin Leahey. “Who Deserves Protection? How Naming Potential Beneficiaries Influences the COVID-19 Vaccine Intentions.” Socius [Forthcoming]

  • An, Minyoung., & Carlson, Jennifer. (2022). Politics at the Gun Counter: Examining Partisanship and Masculinity among Conservative Gun Sellers during the 2020 Gun Purchasing Surge. Social Problems.

  • Garnar, Tracy, Sione Lynn Pili Lister and Jennifer D. Carlson. 2021. “Whiteness and Impunity: Examining Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement.” Sociological Inquiry xx(x):1-26.

  • Zhao, Yi, Jina Lee, and Cheryl Ellenwood. “The Persistent Influence of Gender   Stereotypes in Social Entrepreneurial Financing.” Journal of Social Entrepreneurship

  • Jang, Beksahn, Kelsey E. Gonzalez, Liwen Zeng, and Daniel E. Martinez. “The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities and Differences among Latinos and Asians in the United States.” Sociological Perspectives, 07311214211057121

  • Li, Zhuofan, Daniel Dohan, and Corey M. Abramson. 2021. “Qualitative Coding in the Computational Era: A Hybrid Approach to Improve Reliability and Reduce Effort for Coding Ethnographic Interviews.” Socius 7:23780231211062345.
  • Pfaffendorf, Jessica, Andrew P. Davis, and Alexander B. Kinney. 2021. “Masculinity, Ritual, and Racialized Status Threat: Examining Mass Shooter Manifestos Using Structural Topic Models.” Sociological Inquiry 91(2):287–312.
  • Johnstonbaugh, Morgan.  "Men Find Trophies Where Women Find Insults: Sharing Nude Images of Others as Collective Rituals of Sexual Pursuit and Rejection. ” Gender & Society, 08912432211036907.
  • James, Rina and Carlson, Jennifer.  "Conspicuously Concealed: Federal Funding, Knowledge Production, and the Criminalization of Gun Research." Sociological Perspectives, 07311214211012022
  • Pfaffendorf, Jessica, Davis, Andrew P., and Kinney, Alexander.  "Masculinity, Ritual, and Racialized Status Threat: Examining Mass Shooter Manifestos Using Structural Topic Models." Sociological Inquiry, 91(2), 287-312.
  • Yi Zhao, Joseph Galaskiewicz, and Eunsung Yoon.  Forthcoming.  “Reconciling Theory and Context in Comparative Nonprofit Research" Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 
  • Gonzalez,​​ Kelsey E., Rina James, Eric T. Bjorklund, and Terrence D. Hill (2021). Conservatism and Infrequent Mask Usage: A Study of US Counties During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Social Science Quarterly, Forthcoming.
  • ​​Hill, ​Terrence D., Kelsey E. Gonzalez, ​and ​Andrew P. Davis (202​1​). The Nastiest Question: Does Population Mobility vary by State Political Ideology during the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic?. ​​S​​ociological Perspectives, Online First.
  • ​​Hill, ​Terrence D., Kelsey E. Gonzalez, ​and ​Laura Upenieks (2020). Love thy Aged? A State-Level Analysis of Religiosity and Mobility in Aging Populations during the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. ​​Journal of Aging and Health, 33(5-6):377-386.
  • Galaskiewicz, Joseph, Yi Zhao, and Eunsung Yoon,. 2021. “Reconciling Theory and Context in Comparative Nonprofit Research” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
  • Manriquez, Mariana. 2021. “From Entrepreneurs to Essential Workers: Ideological Ruptures in Uber Work amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Monterrey, Mexico.” Work in Digital Platforms: Debates, Realities and Challenges. (Ed Andrea Del Bono). Editorial Mino y Davila.
  • Kinney, Alexander B. and NJ Rowland. 2021. “Making the Grade during Pandemic: Early-stage and Late-stage Provisional Institutions”. Sociological Perspectives.
  • Puetz, Kyle, Andrew P Davis, Alexander B. Kinney. 2021. “Meaning Structures in the World Polity: A Semantic Network Analysis of Human Rights Terminology in the World's Peace Agreements” Poetics.
  • Terrence D. Hill, Liwen Zeng, Simone Rambotti, Krysia N Mossakowski, and Robert J Johnson. 2021. “Sad Eyes, Crooked Crosses: Religious Struggles, Psychological Distress and the Mediating Role of Psychosocial Resources” Journal of Religion and Health.
  • Earl, Jennifer, Rina James, Elliot Ramo, and Sam Scovill. (2021). “Protest, Activism, and Mis/Disinformation” in The Routledge Companion to Media Misrepresentation and Populism, edited by H. Tumber and S. Waisbord. Routledge. Invited Chapter
  • Daniel Martínez and Kelsey Gonzalez published two articles showcasing their recent work on Hispanic Panethnicity, one in Sociological Perspectives and another in Ethnic and Racial Studies.
  • Earl, Jennifer, Sam Scovill, and Elliot Ramo*. (2021). “Digital Youth Politics.” In The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media, edited by D. A. Rohlinger and S. Sobieraj. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 

  • Gonzalez, Kelsey and Martinez, Daniel. “Panethnicity as a reactive identity: Primary panethnic identification among Latino-Hispanics in the United States”. Ethnic and Racial Studies
  • Still, Darla. "Romantic Relationship Quality and Suicidal Ideation in Young Adulthood." Society and Mental Health
  • Mannheimer, ​Andrew H., Adrienne N. Milner, Kelsey E. Gonzalez, and Terrence D. Hill (2020). Social Status and White Fragility: Gender and Socioeconomic Variations. Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol 38.
  •  Martínez, Daniel E., and Kelsey E. Gonzalez (2020). Latino or Hispanic?: The Sociodemographic Correlates of Panethnic Label Preferences among US Latinos/Hispanics. Sociological Perspectives, 64(3):365–386.
  •  Hill, Terrence D., Kelsey E. Gonzalez, and Amy M. Burdette (2020). The Blood of Christ Compels Them: State Religiosity and State Population Mobility During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health, 59:2229-2242.
  •  Coulter, Kiera, Samantha Sabo, Daniel E. Martinez, Katelyn Chisholm, Kelsey E. Gonzalez, Sonia Bass Zavala, Edrick Villalobos, Diego Garcia, Taylor Levy, and Jeremy Slack (2020). A Study and Analysis of the Treatment of Mexican Unaccompanied Minors by Customs and Border Protection. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 8(2):96-110.
  • Christina Diaz and Jennifer Hyunkyung Lee  “Book Review: Elyakim Kislev’s Happy Singlehood: The Rising Acceptance and Celebration of Solo Living” Gender and Society.
  • Schoon, E.W., Melamed, D., Breiger, R.L., Yoon, Eunsung. and Kleps, C., 2019. Precluding rare outcomes by predicting their absence. PloS one, 14(10).
  • Ore, Peter D., and Andrew Paul Davis. "The Frailty of the Strong Executive." Fast Capitalism 17, no. 1 (2020).
  • Diaz, Christina and Peter D. Ore. 2020. “Landscapes of appropriation and assimilation: the impact of immigrant-origin populations on U.S. cuisine”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 
  • Jorgenson, A., Fitzgerald, J., Thombs, R., Hill, T., Givens, J., Clark, B., Schor, J., Huang, X., Kelly, O. and Ore, P., 2020. The Multiplicative Impacts of Working Hours and Fine Particulate Matter Concentration on Life Expectancy: A Longitudinal Analysis of US States. Environmental Research.
  • Jorgenson, A., Hill, T., Clark, B., Thombs, R., Ore, P., Balistreri, K. and Givens, J., 2020. Power, proximity, and physiology: does income inequality and racial composition amplify the impacts of air pollution on life expectancy in the United States?. Environmental Research Letters.
  • Rodriguez-Lonebear, D., 2020. The blood line: racialized boundary making and citizenship among native nations. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
  • Morgan Johnstonbaugh. 2020. "Standing up for Women? How Party and Gender Influence Politicians’ Strategic Online Discussion of Planned Parenthood" Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. 
  • Maher, Thomas, Morgan Johnstonbaugh, and Jennifer Earl. 2020. "One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Connecting Views of Activism with Youth Activist Identification" Mobilization.

  • Armstrong, Madison and Carlson, Jennifer “ Speaking of trauma: the race talk, the gun violence talk, and the racialization of gun trauma." Palgrave Communications5(1), 1-11.
  • Varga, Attila “Shorter distances between Papers over Time are Due to More Cross-Field References and Increased Citation Rate to Higher Impact Papers.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (116)44: 22094
  • Kinney, Alexander B. Forthcoming. "The Extra-Institutional Logics of an Emerging Market Field: Values and Practice in the Bitcoin Experience." Social Currents.
  • Kinney, Alexander B. Forthcoming. "Embedding Into a New Money System: The Case of Bitcoin." Sociological Focus.
  • Davis, Andrew P. and Yongjun Zhang. Forthcoming “Civil Society and Exposure to Domestic Terrorist Attacks: Evidence from a Cross-National Quantitative Analysis, 1970-2010.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 
  • Davis, Andrew P. and Michael Gibson-Light. Forthcoming. “Difference and Punishment: Ethno-Political Exclusion, Colonial Institutional Legacies, and Incarceration.” Punishment and Society.
  • Fiel, Jeremy E., and Yongjun Zhang. Forthcoming. “With All Deliberate Speed: The Reversal of Court-Ordered School Desegregation, 1970-2013.” American Journal of Sociology.
  • Joslyn, Jacqueline. 2019. “Bribery in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Mediating Effects of Institutional Development and Trust.” Socius, 5: 1-17.
  • Leahey, Erin, Sondra Barringer and Misty Ring-Ramirez. 2019. “Universities' Structural Commitment to Interdisciplinary Research.” Scientometrics.
  • Pfaffendorf, Jessica. Forthcoming. “Wayward Elites: From Social Reproduction to Social Restoration at a Therapeutic Boarding School.” Social Psychology Quarterly.
  • Hill, T.D., Jorgenson, A.K., Ore, P., Balistreri, K.S. and Clark, B., 2019. Air quality and life expectancy in the United States: An analysis of the moderating effect of income inequality. SSM-population health, 7, p.100346.

  • Manriquez, Mariana. 2019.“The Work Games in the Gig-Economy: A Case Study of Uber Drivers in Monterrey, Mexico.” Research in the Sociology of Work. 33:165-188.

  • Carroll, Stephanie, Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, and Andrew Martinez. 2019. “Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations.” Data Science Journal, 18(1), p.31. 

  • Kathryn Freeman Anderson, Eric Bjorklund & Simone Rambotti (2019) Income Inequality and Chronic Health Conditions: A Multilevel Analysis of the U.S. States, Sociological Focus, 52:1, 65-85

  • Abramson, Corey, Jacqueline Joslyn, Daniel Dohan. 2018. “The Promises of Computational Ethnography.” Ethnography.
  • Bjorklund, Eric, Andrew P. Davis, and Jessica Pfaffendorf. 2018. “Urine or You’re Out: Racialized Economic Threat and the Determinants of Welfare Drug Testing Requirements in the U.S., 2009-2015.” The Sociological Quarterly
  • Diaz, Christina J., Liwen Zeng, and Ana P. Martinez-Donate. 2018. “Investigating Health Selection Within Mexico and Across the US Border.” Population Research and Policy Review 1–24.
  • Davis, Andrew P. and Beksahn Jang. 2018. “Civilian Targeting as Interaction Ritual: Evidence from Insurgent Groups in Cross-National Context.” Comparative Sociology.
  • Gibson-Light, Michael. 2018. “Ramen Politics: Informal Money and Logics of Resistance in the Contemporary American Prison.” Qualitative Sociology. 41(2):199-220. 
  • Johnstonbaugh, Morgan. 2018. “Where are all of the Women? Untangling the Effects of Representation, Participation, and Preferences on Gender Differences in Political Press Coverage” Socius 4: 1 – 12. doi: 10.1177/2378023118793738
  • Joslyn, Jacqueline. 2018. “A Comparison of Sources of Business Acumen for Entrepreneurs Originating from Developed and Developing Countries.” Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 33(1): 101-114.
  • Kinney, Alexander B., Andrew P. Davis, and Yongjun Zhang. 2018. "Theming for Terror: Organizational Adornment in Terrorist Organizations." Poetics.
  • Mayer, Brian, Amelia Blume, Candace Black, and Sally Stevens. 2018. “Improving Student Learning Outcomes through Community-based Research: The Poverty Workshop.” Teaching Sociology.
  • Suh, Hyungjun, Terrence D. Hill, and Harold G. Koenig. Forthcoming, "Religious Attendance and Biological Risk: A National Longitudinal Study of Older Adults", Journal of Religion and Health.
  • Varga, A. (2018). Novelty and Foreseeing Research Trends: The Case of Astrophysics and Astronomy. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 236(1), 21.  

  • Addae, Angela. 2017. "Pathways to Sector Selection: A Conceptual Framework for Social Entrepreneurs." Nonprofit Management and Leadership.
  • Anderson, Kathryn, Eric Bjorklund, and Simone Rambotti. 2017 “Income Inequality and Chronic Health Conditions: A Multilevel Analysis of the U.S. States” Sociological Focus.
  • Andrews, Hannah, Terrence D. Hill, and William C. Cockerham. Forthcoming. "Educational Attainment and Dietary Lifestyles." In Brea Perry and Sara Shostak Advances in Medical Sociology Volume 18: Food Systems and Health. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Clarke, Hannah E., and Brian Mayer. 2017. "Community Recovery Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Toward a Theory of Cultural Resilience." Society & Natural Resources 30(2): 129-144.
  • Bjorklund, Eric. 2017. "Out of Many, One? U.S. Sub-National Political-Economies in the Post-Welfare Reform Era." Socio-Economic Review.
  • Bjorklund, Eric. 2017. "Just One Click Away: The Politics of E-Commerce Sales Tax Policy," Sociological Inquiry.
  • Davis, Andrew. 2017. "A social ecology of civil conflict: Shifting allegiances in the conflict in Sierra Leone," Social Science Research.
  • Gibson-Light, Michael. 2017. “Classification Struggles in Semi-Formal and Precarious Work: Lessons from Inmate Labor and Cultural Production.” Research in the Sociology of Work. 31:61-90.
  • Johnstonbaugh, Morgan. 2017. “Conquering with Capital: Social, Cultural, and Economic Capital’s Role in Combating Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Contributing to Educational Attainment” Journal of Youth Studies 21(5): 590 – 606. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2017.1406069
  • Leahey, Erin and Amelia Blume. 2017. “Elucidating the Process: Why Women Patent Less than Men.”  In Gender and Entrepreneurial Activity edited by Albert N. Link. 
  • Odabas, Meltem and Heidi Reynolds-Stenson 2017. “Tweeting from Gezi Park: Social Media and Repression Backfire”, Social Currents.
  • Odabas, Meltem Thomas J. Holt, and Ronald L. Breiger (in Press). “Markets as Governance Environments for Organizations at the Edge of Illegality: Insights from Social Network Analysis”, American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Odabas, Meltem, Thomas J. Holt, and Ronald L. Breiger. 2017. "Governance in Online Stolen Data Markets." Pp. 87-107 in The Architecture of Illegal Markets: Towards an Economic Sociology of Illegality in the Economy, edited by Jens Beckert and Matias Dewey. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Web link
  • Pfaffendorf, Jessica. Forthcoming. “Sensitive Cowboys: Privileged Young Men and the Mobilization of Hybrid Masculinities in a Therapeutic Boarding School.” Gender & Society.
  • Pfaffendorf, Jessica. Forthcoming. “Reflections on Rehab: Navigating the Disparate System of Substance Abuse Treatment.” In Negotiating the Challenges of Conducting Deeply PersonalResearch. Eds. Nowakowski, Alexandra and J.E. Sumerau. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Publishing Group.
  • Puetz, Kyle. 2017. "Fields of Mutual Alignment: A Dual-Order Approach to the Study of Cultural Holes.Sociological Theory 35:228-60. Web link:
  • Reynolds-Stenson, Heidi. “Protesting the Police: Police Brutality Claims as a Predictor of Police Repression of Protest.” Forthcoming in Social Movement Studies.
  • Reynolds-Stenson, Heidi and Jennifer Earl. 2018. “Clashes of Conscience: Explaining Counterdemonstration at Protests.” Forthcoming in Mobilization.
  • Suh, Hyungjun and Heidi Reynolds-Stenson, Forthcoming, "A Contingent Effect of Trust?: Interpersonal Trust and Social Movement Participation in Political Context", Social Science Quarterly.
  • Yongjun Zhang. “Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Dissolution in Postreform China.” Journal of Marriage and Family 79(5):1435–49. doi:10.1111/jomf.12419 
  • Jeremy Fiel and Yongjun Zhang. 2017. "Three Dimensions of Change in School Segregation: A Grade-Period-Cohort Analysis." Demography.

  • Kendra Thompson-Dyck, Brian Mayer, Kathryn Freeman Anderson, and Joseph Galaskiewicz.  2016.  “Bringing People Back In: Crisis Planning and Response Embedded in Social Contexts.”  Pp. 279-93 in Urban Resilience: A Transformative Approach edited by Yoshiki Yamagata and Hiroshi Maruyama.  Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Eliza Benites-Gambirazio et al., « Une promotion immobilière sous contraintes environnementales. Les logiques sociales du périurbain dans les Desert Cities de l’Ouest étasunien », Revue française de sociologie 2016/4 (Vol. 57), p. 735-765. DOI 10.3917/rfs.574.0735
  • Rodriguez-Lonebear, Desi. 2016. “Building a data revolution in Indian Country.” Pp. 253–72 in Indigenous data sovereignty: toward an agenda, edited by J.Taylor and T. Kukutai. Canberra : Australia National University Press.
  • Greene, Alison, Kendra Thompson-Dyck, Megan S. Wright, Monica Davis, and Katie Haverly.  2016. “Community Engagement: Perspectives on an Essential Element of Juvenile Drug Courts Implementing Reclaiming Futures.”  Drug Court Review X(1): 116-154.
  • Korchmaros, Josephine, Kendra Thompson-Dyck, and Rodney Haring.  Forthcoming.  “Professionals’ Perceptions of and Recommendations for Matching Juvenile Drug Court Clients to Services.”  Children and Youth Services Review.
  • McBee, David J., and Erin Leahey. 2016 "New Directions, New Challenges: The Trials and Tribulations of Interdisciplinary Research." In Investigating InterdisciplinaryCollaboration Theory and Practice Across Disciplines, edited by Scott Frickel, Mathieu Albert and Barbara Prainsack, 27-46. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Taylor, Malaena and Kate Gunby. 2016. “Moving Beyond the Sound Bite: Complicating the Relationship between Negative Television News Framing and In-Depth Reporting on Activism”Sociological Forum 31(3).
  • Okada, Sosuke. 2016. “Structure of Cultural Rejection.” Sociological Perspectives 60(2):355–77. (DOI: 10.1177/0731121416667713)
  • Rivas, Ricardo and Michael Gibson-Light. 2016. “Exploring Culture through In-Depth Interviews: Is it Useful to Ask People What They Think, Mean, and Do?”[“Explorando fenómenos culturales a través de entrevistas en profundidad: ¿de qué sirve preguntar a las personas acerca de lo que piensan, de lo que quierendecir y de lo que hacen?”] Cinta de Moebio. 57:316-329.
  • Vila-Henninger, Luis Antonio.  Forthcoming.  “The Moral Economies of Self-interest: The Popular Confluence of Norms of Self-interest and Norms of Solidarity.”  Sociological Perspectives. 
  • Vila-Henninger, Luis Antonio.  Forthcoming.  "Understanding Symbolic Boundaries and Improving Quantitative Analysis of Social Exclusion by Improving the Operationalization of Boundary Work."  Sociology Compass.

  • Bacon, Tracy. 2015. "Framing the Family Meal: A Comparison of Social Market Campaigns and Parents' Views" Journal of Family Issues
  • Grant, Don, Katrina Running, Kelly Bergstrand, and Richard York. Forthcoming. "Energy Efficiency, Carbon Pollution, and Rebound Effects: The Case for U.S. Powerplants." Energy Policy
  • Henley, Megan. 2015. "Alternative and Authoritative Knowledge: The role of Certification in Defining Expertise Among Doulas" Social Currents
  • Henley, Megan. 2015. Women’s Success in Academic Science:Challenges to Breaking through the Ivory Ceiling. Sociology Compass 9(8): 668-680.
  • Lengyel B, Varga A, Ságvári B, Jakobi Á, Kertész J (2015) Geographies of an Online Social Network. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137248. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137248
  • Rambotti, S. 2015. "Recalibrating the spirit level: An analysis of the interaction of income inequality and poverty and its effect on health." Social Science & Medicine
  • Rambotti, S. 2015. “Response to Pickett and Wilkinson.” Social Science & Medicine.

  • Anderson, Kathryn Freeman and Jessie K. Finch. 2014. "Racially Charged Legislation and Minority Health Disparities: The Case of Arizona's S.B. 1070." Sociological Spectrum 34: 526-48.
  • Anderson, Kathryn Freeman and Andrew S. Fullerton. 2014. "Residential Segregation, Health, and Health Care: Answering the Latino Question." Race and Social Problems 6(3): 262-79.
  • Bacon, Tracy. 2014. "Wine, Wasabi and Weight Loss: Examining Taste in Food Writing." Food, Culture, and Society 17(2): 225-43.
  • Bergstrand, Kelly. 2014. "The Mobilizing Power of Grievances: Applying Loss Aversion and Omission Bias to Social Movements." Mobilization: An International Journal 19(2): 123-42.
  • Bergstrand, Kelly. Brian Mayer, Babette Brumback, and Yi Zhang. 2014 "Assessing the Relationship between Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience to Hazards." Social Indicators Research.
  • Breiger, Ronald, Eric Schoon, et al. 2014. "Comparative Configurational Analysis as a Two-Mode Network Problem: A Study of Terrorist Group Engagement in the Drug Trade." Social Networks 36: 23-39.
  • Cain, Cindy and Erin Leahey. 2014. "Cultural Correlates of Gender Integration in Science." Gender, Work & Organization.
  • Finch, Jessie K. and Celestino Fernández. 2014. “Mentoring Graduate Students in Teaching: The FCCIC Model.” Teaching Sociology 42(1): 69-75.
  • Gibson, Michael. 2014. "That's Hip-Hop to Me: Temporal Logics of Authenticity in Independent Cultural Production." Poetics 46(1) 38-55.
  • Grant, Don, Kelly Bergstrand, and Katrina Running. Forthcoming. "Effectiveness of US State Policies in Reducing CO2 Emissions from Power Plants." Nature Climate Change.
  • Koppman, Sharon. Forthcoming. "In the Eye of the Beholder: The Stratification of Taste in a Cultural Industry." Sociological Quarterly.
  • Koppman, Sharon. 2014. "Going for the Gold: The Effect of Competitive Socialization on Managerial Attainment." Research in the Sociology of Work 25: 221-42.
  • Koppman, Sharon, Cindy Cain, and Erin Leahey. 2014. "The Joy of Science: Disciplinary Diversity in Emotional Accounts." Science, Technology & Human Values. See also supplemental video.
  • Koppman, Sharon and Amar Gupta. 2014. "Navigating the Mutual Knowledge Problem: A Comparative Case Study of Distributive Work." Information Technology & People 27(1): 83-105.
  • Mayer, Brian, Katrina Running, and Kelly Bergstrand. Forthcoming. "Compensation and Community Corrosion: Perceived Inequalities, Social Comparisons, and Competition Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill." Sociological Forum.
  • Odabas, Meltem and Fikret Adaman. 2014. "Engaging with Social Networks: The Bourdieu-Becker Encounter Revisted." Forum For Social Economics
  • Ring-Ramirez, Misty, Heidi Reynolds-Stenson, and Jennifer Earl. 2014. "Culturally Constrained Contention: Mapping the Meaning Structure of the Repertoire of Contention. Mobilization 19(4): 405-419.
  • Savage, Scott V., Samantha Kwan and Kelly Bergstrand. Forthcoming. "Virtual Heath: The Impact of Health-Related Websites on Patient-Doctor Interactions." Research in the Sociology of Healthcare.
  • Savage, Scott V., and Ryan Seebruck. Forthcoming. "The Road to the Top: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Mobility in the Elite Labor Market of College Basketball." Sociological Focus.
  • Schoon, Eric. In Press. "The Asymmetry of Legitimacy: Analyzing the Legitimation of Violence in 30 Cases of Insurgent Revolution." Social Forces.
  • Schoon, Eric. Forthcoming. "The Paradox of Legitimacy: Resilience, Successes, and the Multiple Identities of the Kurdish Workers' Party in Turkey." Social Problems.
  • Asai, Victor, H. Brinton Milward, and Eric W. Schoon. Forthcoming "When Terrorists Go Bad: Terrorist Organizations Involvement in Drug Smuggling." International Studies Quarterly.
  • Seebruck, Ryan. Forthcoming. "Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: A Multilevel Analysis of California's School Districts." McGill Sociological Review.
  • Seebruck, Ryan, and Scott Savage. 2014. "The Differential Effects of Racially Homophilous Sponsorship Ties on Job Opportunities in and Elite Labor Market: The Case of NCAA Basketball Coaching." Sociological Inquiry 84(1): 75-101.
  • Vila-Henninger, Luis. 2014. "Toward Defining the Causal Role of Consciousness: Using Models of Memory and Moral Judgment from Cognitive Neuroscience to Expand the Sociological Dual-Process Model." Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior.

  • Adler, Gary. 2012. "An Opening in the Congregational Closet? Boundary-Bridging Culture and Membership Privileges for Gays and Lesbians in Christian Religious Congregations." Social Problems 59(2): 177-206.
  • Anderson, Katheryn Freeman, and Andrew S. Fullerton. 2012. "Racial Residential Segregation and Access to Health Care Coverage: A Multilevel Analysis." Research in the Sociology of Health Care 30: 133-158.
  • Cain, Cindy L. 2012.  “Integrating Dark Humor and Compassion: Identities and Presentations of Self in the Front and Back Regions of Hospice.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 41(6): 668-694.
  • Cain, Cindy L. 2012. "Emotions and the Research Interview: What Hospice Workers Can Teach Us." Health Sociology Review 21(4): 396-405.
  • Hedegard, Danielle. 2012. "Becoming a Capoerista: A Situational Approach to Consuming a Foreign Cultural Good." Sociological Inquiry 82(4): 510-531.
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