Drs. Daniel Menchik and Franziska Frank Accepted to 2021 CURE Training Institute
Drs. Daniel Menchik and Franziska Frank have been accepted to the 2021 CURE Training Institute.
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) involve an innovative teaching method that involves undergraduate students in hands-on collective research experiences during a course. Unlike traditional inquiry-based classes, students who enroll in CUREs experience the act of discovery associated with ongoing, novel research that impacts stakeholders beyond the classroom. Numerous studies indicate that engaging in undergraduate research can improve retention, especially for underrepresented students.
Faculty who teach CURE courses benefit from the opportunity to engage additional scholars on questions that advance their own research agenda, as well as publish the results from the collective research. CUREs also provide opportunities for co-authorship for enrolled students, as well as an experiential advantage as students seek future employment. Finally, CUREs have been shown to increase a student’s sense of belonging on college campuses by promoting their identity as a contributor to the educational, academic, and scientific environment. Ultimately, CUREs align with the University of Arizona’s goal to provide engaged, experiential learning experiences while promoting equity across all aspects of student enrollment and success. We invite you to review current CURE offerings and opportunities at the UArizona at https://stem.arizona.edu/cure-training-institute.
Congratulations to Dan and Franziska!